
for Preis bakery


Personal project // 2023
Location: Home studio
Expertise: Concept, mood board,photography, styling, image editing, editing

I had the opportunity to photograph some delicious pinsas for the Preis bakery. Pinsas are a type of Italian flatbread that can be topped with various toppings. They are crispy, moist and simply delectable!

For the Preis bakery, I decided not only to take photos but also to create a stop-motion video showing how a Pinsa is eaten. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it, because the result is a real eye-catcher!

I tried to respect the style of the Preis bakery, but also to experiment with different backgrounds to create more variety. It's important to me to always respond to the customer's wishes and needs and to create unique images that present their brand and products in the best possible way. For the Preis bakery, I chose a light-coloured wood as the background, which makes a natural and friendly impression.

Tasty request