
for Hotel Zum Rosenbaum


Client: Hotel Zum Rosenbaum
Location: Hotel Zum Rosenbaum
Expertise: Idea collection, photography, image editing, videography, video editing
Co-operation with HERBmedia

Especially for social media, where everything has to happen quickly because you have to shoot several subjects within 4 hours, it is important that the scenes are still set perfectly, even if you might not have as much time as for a normal food shoot.

Breakfast shoots without models are always something special, because it's only the food that speaks and it's precisely these emotions that I tried to convey. In this shoot, I played with the light. Shadows, details, staff pouring drinks.

With cocktails, on the other hand, it's about capturing quick, brief moments, creating the right vibe with the light and getting the viewer interested in the photo.


Tasty request